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3 important attitudes to focus on in the interview

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​Obviously, we need a different set of qualities for each position to help us perform our tasks better. However, before we get our dream job offer, job interviews await us. Are there universal qualities that can impress a recruiter and make them remember you? Here are some suggestions on what to look for.


An interview is just ... an interview. Mutual understanding is needed to make it work smoothly. By listening to what the recruiter is saying, you are showing your interest. In the course of your arguments and answers, be guided by the points raised by the questioner. Concentrate on his/her questions.

It is not just about the conversation itself but also about trying to understand the other party as much as possible. This will enable you to better understand the company culture and position itself. You may be stressed during the interview. Don't think about the conversation itself, but about the results. At the beginning of the meeting, take a deep breath, relax and bring yourself into the present moment. Direct your thoughts to the situation at hand. This way the recruiter will see that you are interested in the position.

What if you don't understand something or can't answer a question? Ask questions, ask for clarification - this shows that you want to understand. This will get you one step further towards getting the position.


This characteristic has a lot to do with understanding. It makes you engage in the conversation and actively stay in it. Gesticulation and appropriate voice modulation help you to express your engagement. However, it's not just about pretence, it's about being yourself - focus on being natural. Remember that an interview is a professional meeting and approach it as such.

Engagement has another aspect in a recruitment context. In the interview, the recruiter will ask you about your previous work experience and job description. Use examples, show how much effort you have put into a given project or how you have behaved in a stressful/pressure situation. Briefly explain the problem, show what you did to solve it and summarise the results.

Be prepared

It's important to make it clear during the interview that you know why you're in it. Before the meeting, think about why you have chosen a particular company and position. Match your professional experience with the expectations and tasks listed in the job advert. Visit the company's website and look at the "About us", "Careers" subpage. Think about whether the employer has described the company's values and evaluate which ones are closest to your own.

Employers are often interested in your personal reasons for applying for a job with their company. Why? You may join a company that is made up of people - it is important that they share the values and culture of the organisation.